Saturday, December 4, 2010

Day 7

~Family Fun~

Snowman Soup

Each year we have Snow Man Soup some time during Advent… usually on a snowy day.

It is simple, beyond simple!

- Make a basic, thick white potato soup.
- You can even find decent dry mixes… they totally work.
- Get a bag of pre made dark bread croutons (or make your own), get some whole carrots and some doughy breads sticks.
- Cut the carrots into 3-4 inch segments… they will be the nose to your snowman and will need to stand up right in your bowl of soup. You can boil them in some water so they’ll be good to eat in the soup.
- Once your soup is all made. Pour it in bowls… stand the carrot upright in the middle of the bowl. Place the croutons as “coal” eyes and a mouth. Then add the bread sticks as arms on the plate under the bowl.

This is always a HUGE hit… for such a simple/easy, but very fun meal.
It helps to keep the surprise and don’t let anyone know what you are making!

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