Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Advent Activity - Day 3


There are several different ways to make luminaries. 
1. Use tin cans. Fill a washed out can with water and freeze it. Then use a nail and hammer to punch holes in it in a decorate or random pattern.  Allow the ice to melt or run hot water over it until the block of ice will fall out. Place a candle in the can and decorate your porch with the cans... they really are quite pretty! (This is a good activity for older kids or boys.)

2. You can also use small lunch size paper bags. Cut the bags with scissors or crayons and put a bit of sand in the bottom. Put a candle in each and light your porch with this each night. 

3. Use washed out glass jars.  Cut a strip of paper to a right size to wrap around the jar. Decorate the paper with paint, crayons and use a hole punch to create holes in the paper. Tape the paper around the jar and put a candle inside... again, light your porch with it.

An Object lesson... Light in Darkness

Isaiah 9:1-2 and Luke 1:76-80 speaks of people living in darkness and a "great light" coming to illuminate their lives and world.  Ask your children who that light was.  Tell them that our world is dark in sin and that we have the light of Christ and we pray our lights will shine like our luminaries to show people the way to Jesus. 

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