Sunday, December 6, 2009

Advent Activity - Day 7

Lesson- Trust and Obey

Mary is thought to be a teenage girl, unmarried, yet very virtuous when she was told that she would be the mother of the Messiah. This would have been very hard for Mary, others would have thought she was being sinful by having a baby out of marriage. However, Mary trusted God to do what was best when she said, “Let it be to me according to your word.” Trusting others can be hard. But Mary knew God and trusted He would work out all of the details she was worried about.


Family Activity-

Take turns putting a blindfold on one person and have a child safely lead that person from one room to another.  Or older children can give the blindfolded person verbal directions to get from one place to another. Talk about how it is hard to trust when you can’t see what is happening, but when you know the person leading you, you can feel safe.


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