Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Day 18 - Room in Our Homes

~Family Fun~

One of our favorite family Christmas traditions is making a manger for the coming baby Jesus. This is a really simple way to remind little children what they are really celebrating at Christmas time!

First we usually read a nativity book or we read the account in Luke 2 (particularly verse 7). Then we take note of the fact that there was NO room in the inn's for Mary to have Jesus and how sad that is. We explain to our children that we don't want our home to be closed to Jesus so we ask our children to make a manger to put in front of the tree to show God we are ready to make room for Jesus! We talk about all the things we need: a basket, box or doll cradle, blankets, soft clothes and other things a baby would need. I remind my children to give there BEST! They often bring their tattered "lovie" blankets... but to them that is a true gift of sacrifice and love! We have even put a baby doll in the manger and swaddled it up in cloths. As we put in front of our tree we then tell our children that we need to make our hearts ready just like the inn should have been ready to receive Jesus. Then we talk about what it means to be ready for the coming of the Lord… and that He is coming again!

As a mother and woman this lesson even applies to me... too closely I have to admit. As I look at that manger in front of my tree I wonder if Jesus is asking me to make similar types of room in my home and life?

Is He asking me to make room for His people (the orphan, widow and impoverished, or my brother down the street that is lonely) needing help, love and comfort?

Is He asking me to clarify and clean our my heart this season from the dirt and accumulation of self and sin?

Is He asking me to wildly give of my abundance in gifts who have not, like the Wisemen?

Is He asking me to make myself look foolish like the Shepherds, wildly telling others about Himself?

Is He pointing our that like the inns that turned Him away the first time, realizing the hassle and burden a newborn would bring, I too turn Him away thinking it will be a hassle an burden on my "lifestyle", my dreams, my capacities or capabilities?

That is what the manger requires. It is a throne. It requires a bending of the knee and a bowing of our will to the King of Christmas. For Christmas isn't truly Christmas with out sacrifice and humility of heart! Jesus as the King of Christmas came to give all! We can't claim to be people of Christmas with out patterning ourselves after our Lord. We must lay in the humility and sacrifice of His manger with Him.

I'll admit the manger is scratchy and very uncomfortable. It isn't a bed for the overindulged or followers of Self. When we lay ourselves down on the golden hay of the manger it scratches away at our the tender and pink skin or our most valued idol... self (self-esteem, self-gratifacation, self-regard, self-dependency).

But what is left after all the scratching of the manger is what only God can create; the image of Christ.

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